Saturday, January 2, 2021

Circular No 1,000


Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 2 of January 2021 No.1000


Dear Friends,

Happy New Year 2021.

The world will be different from now on.

This also includes the Circular.

The final issue in the existing format.

But no worry, if any news pops up it shall be reported, and sent to those who have been generous and gave funds for use in 2021.

Maybe those who are not interested in sharing should arrange to have a copy resent from one that is a friend of the newsletter.

To get information on how to remit funds, please contact me by email, Skype, or telephone.


Tue, 29 Dec 2020, 17:00

Thank you, Paul for this interesting biography. 

I do hope that Ladislao will find a place for it before he ceases publication. 

I think he would appreciate your sending him full strength photos for the Circular.

Best for the New Year,



From: Paul de Verteuil <>

Sent: Tuesday, 29 December 2020 13:48

First of all, I would like to thank Nigel Boos, Don Mitchel, Ladislao and all others for all they have done so much over the years trying to keep the Circulars and MSB memories alive. Here is some material for the next Circular.

Russell Cuhna, Paul de Verteuil and Bernard D’Abadie receiving Queen Scout certificates.

Fr. Bernard once said about the name D’Abadie.  "I have heard of dotting I’s and crossing t’s but I have never heard of dabbing d’s.”

I was a Boy Scout for most of the time spent at Mount and eventually became the Troupe Leader during my final two years at Mount. I remember for my "survivors’ badge" I had to go into the Hills behind the school with only a live chicken, some flour and salt, some matches and a canteen with fresh water. I had to build my own “lean to” shelter and camp for the weekend, killing, cooking, and eating the chicken and a “twist” made from the flour and water.  I do not think I could survive that today.

Russel Cuhna, Gordon Mitchell, Paul de Verteuil, Michael Marchok and Johnny Abraham at the starting line.

There have been many "Mount Stories" already published in the circulars over the years that I can relate to. I will add a few more that I believe have not already been published.

1. Does anyone remember the day that Father Ildefonse held someone by his legs over the second floor balcony, shook him and called him “Stultum” because he could not get the syntax of a Latin sentence correct.

2.The second story was when the monks had decided to cut down some trees for lumber and were dragging the logs out of the forest and onto the basketball court with a Brahaman bull.

One day, someone, I believe it might have been Gordon Mitchell, happened to be in the path of the bull, (thank goodness the bull still had the logs attached), and the bull charged and tossed the student into the air and out of the way.

To my knowledge the only thing that was hurt was his pride.

Here is a synopsis of my life after I left mount in 1962:

I obtained my A levels from CIC and then a degree in Civil Engineering from UWI in 1968.

Attended Ohio State University on a scholarship to study Highway Engineering for one year.

Returned to Trinidad and worked for two years as a Project engineer /manager for Seereeram Bros. on the Southern Highway from Chaguanas to San Fernando.

In 1973 I returned to OSU and obtained my Masters degree in Geotechnical Engineering and continued working as a Geotechnical Engineer, for various consulting engineering firms in the Central Ohio area until I retired at age 70, about 4 years ago.

I met and married my wife Virginia after graduating from OSU. I have three children, two sons and a daughter, who are now all married and I have four grandchildren.

Now that I am retired my hobbies are oil painting and playing my steel pan.

You can type: trinipanx2 into your browser and check me out playing a few tunes on Youtube.

Stay safe and have a Happy New year

Best regards

Paul de Verteuil


Brian Gonsalves

Sun, 20 Dec 2020, 13:06

Dear Ladislao

I am forwarding a copy of my email to Don, who has suggested that I contact you directly to request the most convenient and reliable method for me to transfer a contribution to you, prior to your milestone 1000 issue...

Please send me the relevant details and I shall arrange to transfer the funds, via your US contact, early next week.

Antennas a salvo, los mejores deseos y Buena salad para torso


-------- Original Message --------------------------------------
Subject: Re: Abbey School, Mt St Benedict

From: Brian Gonsalves <>

Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2020, 3:19 PM

Dear Don,

Thank you sending out Ladislao's latest MSB circular, which has 'jogged' my memory about the impending 1000th issue which may be ending shortly and I would appreciate a small favour from you –

I want to make a token contribution to help Ladislao to finish his long-standing commitment to MSB 'on a high note' - if 'the curtain is going to fall' in 2021 .... the fact that he has kept the circulars going for so long is an amazing achievement of his personal resolve and dedication to all Old Mount Boys throughout the world..

So please could you send me, in confidence, details of the most convenient method for me transfer US$100 to his Account in Venezuela?

I believe that the relevant information may have been given in past circulars - perhaps you can let me know which specific issue and I can check the details and carry out my transfer?

Meanwhile, I trust you and your family will have a safe and peaceful Christmas, despite the dreaded Covid crisis ….

Keep well, best wishes and good health to all,



Jan en Berthy <>

Fri, Jan 1 at 11:31 AM

Best wishes for the new year 2021 too.

Times go bye, we are a family of 15, been a couple since 1973 got married in 1978, four sons, three daughters in law, two granddaughters, four grandsons. Good memories from Mount St. Benedict, will cherish them from being 70 on.

Let’s not forget. Great admiration for all who kept up the alumni thing going, Ladislao, Don Mitchell, Nigel Boos, Glen McKoy and others. 

Be well everybody!

Jan Koenraadt MSB '63-'67


Thanks for the comments and your help. George

There is a myth that all oldboys use FACEBOOK, I do not use it except to get at the photos of oldboys so that I may use it in the Circular.

That is why I copied the conversation of the Venezuelans giving thanks to the donations by the ASAA.

And now thanks to your reminder I am going to look up the FACEBOOK page to see if I find something useful for the Circular being reported on the Reunion.

What is the address, as it is not "MSB Facebook"

It is sad that with all the messaging systems, groups etc. the organisers do not use these means to advertise and promote their pet projects.



Tim Gail Mew MHC

Wed, 6 Jan, 05:03

Hi Ladislao,

Good luck here with your pitch for funds to keep going.

I hope you managed to collect my small contribution and wish I could have sent more $, but I am now fully retired from work and a pensioner.

It may have to come to an end and no doubt it will be a bitter sweet result for you.

Less work, more time with family and business, more efforts for survival in a very tight economic situation.

Also the Covid19 crisis could not have come at a worst time for Venezuela 🇻🇪.

Keep safe and well as best you can.



From: David de Boehmler

Date: 2/7/2005 9:42:31 PM

Dear Ladislao,

Well, I believe you were far before my time.

But I am impressed with the idea of a site for Mount St Benedict's.

If there is such a thing.

So far, I have only received your letter and the photo attached, which seemed incomplete by the way because one of the names was Mr Tyrell, and he was not on the photo perhaps there was another photo.

I like the idea of email addresses attached also.

I too would like to know the story of Mount St Benedict.

I guess I lost touch when I left in 60 or 61, I am not sure.

Wouldn't it be great to see photos of all the classes?

Well, here is my contribution.

I am sure I have more somewhere but cannot find them at present.

As to which class this is, I am not sure but some of the names I will try to fit in.

David de Boehmler.


Caribbean Watercolours by David de Boehmler

Now living in Australia, David was born in Trinidad and has been a prolific artist for 30 years.

He currently paints watercolours depicting life in the tropics, focussing on Trinidad and Tobago with its fun loving people.

His paintings reflect the vibrant colours and scenes found throughout the Caribbean.

He has exhibited his work in Australia, Canada, Trinidad and the United States


David has been a prolific artist for the past 30 years, working in every medium.

Over the last few years, he has focused on watercolours.

He has had exhibits in Australia, Canada, Trinidad, and the United States.

You can purchase some of his art from this site.

We have a new page called the Gallery, where you can see a sampling of works that have sold.

David also works as an illustrative sign painter and commercial artist, specializing in artistic signage, but he makes every effort to put his art first.

David and his lovely Australian wife, Joy, live on the south coast of Victoria, Australia.

His current works depict life in the tropics - focussing on his homeland, the beautiful, tropical islands of Trinidad and Tobago, with its fun loving people.

His paintings reflect the vibrant colours and scenes found on all the islands in the Caribbean and in many other tropical places - beaches, boats, vegetation, people, street, and market scenes.


EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz.  Contact if you would like to be in the Circular’s mailing list or if there is any Old Boy that you would like to include.



15LK4822FBMDO, Michael

17LK3687FBRJOWFE, Richard Jordan and wife

68LK8107FBLCHFAM, Leonardo Chacin and family

09LK2933LKEGRP, Fr. Augustine, Ladislao Kertesz and Fr. Cuthbert


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Circular No 1040

  Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 8 of December 2021. No. 1040 ---------...