Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Circular No 1030


Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 1 of September 2021. No. 1030


Dear Friends,

The first issue of September

Roger Leekam

If you would like to collaborate, at the end of this issue, you will find the instructions to where to send your writings and also, important to send funds, I know your limitations.

My first flight to Trinidad in that airplane, that was long time ago!!! 1955


Nigel P. Boos <>

Saturday, June 21, 2008 8:33:11 AM

To: Roger Leekam <>

Thanks for the pictures, Roger.

You look like you have a lovely family. And your daughter is a beaut!

Would love to take you up on the offer for a ride on Calypso II.

However, we'll have to look at timings, etc. as we're scheduled to do some cottaging with friends, and my primary focus this summer has to be the setting up of a cake shop - if the banks will oblige.

I'll talk to Jackie and see what else she's got in the pipeline.

Would you mind if I use this picture of you and Ann on board the boat in our MSB publications? Or do you have a close-up of yourself to offer?



On 21-Jun-08, at 7:42 AM, Roger Leekam wrote:


A few recent pics as promised.

As I said, we're both lucky guys to have great families.

Give us a few days' notice, and perhaps all four of us can meet over a drink or food, or even take Calypso II out for a spin (if you don't get seasick).

I'm striving to become a competent photographer, with very modest success so far.

If interested, some of my images are on which is probably the oldest & best photography website -essential if you're at all interested in Photography.

Rather than type a long URL which I can never remember,

Google my name and it should be close to the top.

                                Kind regards to you & family,



Seheult, Mac - My wife (Cathy) and I live in Houston where I am employed as Manager of Technology Support for Kelco Oil Field Group.

We have six kids between us, three on either side from previous marriages, and they are all out of the house..Yes!!

All but two are married; two boys from my side of the team, and we have four grad-kids (two and two), however I refuse to be called "Granddad"..

I am not THAT old. Our hobbies are travel, golf and boating.

We spend weekends on our boat in the Galveston area where we are building our retirement home although we do not plan nor can we afford to retire now.

It would be great to see the old boys from MSB.

Look me up in the Houston phone book if you are passing through.

Houston Office

Kelco Oil Field Group

Tel:+1 713 895-7575



3300 Bingle

Houston, Texas 77055

Tele: (713) 329-7220

+1 800-331-3677

+1 800-KELCO-XC

Fax: (713) 895-7586



kristof de marothy <>

Dec 18 at 6:51 PM

The jpg that you emailed me is the best resolution you will get.

I cannot find the original photo and it might be in an off-site storage facility. 

When we retired in 2015, we moved to Vermont into a smaller house and placed lot (too much) in storage. 

Not sure where exactly the pictures are and one day will have to search for them.

You will have to do with what you have.

As they say in the old country "sajnalom"


laszlo kertesz <>

Dec 7 at 10:22 AM

Any time is OK Kristof

Have a nice vacation and if you meet any oldboys please send a photo and email address.

Have a good trip



Kdemarothy <>

Dec 1 at 3:50 PM

Will try. But I just left for vacation and will be back sec 11


laszlo kertesz <>

Dec 1 at 8:52 AM

Dear Christopher

Please resend me the photos with a better resolution 

I cannot use the because of low resolution in the Circular.

I am enclosing one that I tried to photopshop put no luck

Also need confirmation of you latest email address.

God bless

Ladislao EDITOR


20-11-2017 +44 7956 345480: Please look at the speech that was read yesterday at the retreat by the Pope. Regardless of religion, see how beautifully Pope Francis wrote about the family. 
There is no perfect family. We do not have perfect parents, we are not perfect, we do not marry a perfect person or have perfect children. 
We have complaints from each other. We disappoint each other. So there is no healthy marriage or healthy family without the exercise of forgiveness. 
Forgiveness is vital to our emotional health and spiritual survival. Without forgiveness the family becomes an arena of conflict and a stronghold of hurt. 
Without forgiveness, the family becomes ill. Forgiveness is the a sepsis of the soul, the cleansing of the mind and the liberation of the heart. 
Whoever does not forgive does not have peace in the soul nor communion with God. Hurt is poison that intoxicates and kills. Keeping heartache in the heart is a self-destructive gesture. It's autophagy. 
Those who do not forgive are physically, emotionally and spiritually ill. 
That is why the family must be a place of life, not of death; 
Territory of cure and not of illness; 
Stage of forgiveness and not guilt. 
Forgiveness brings joy where sorrow has produced sadness; 
Healing, where sorrow has caused disease.
- Pope Francisco


27-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: Ladislao, what circular did you publish with my picture bro?  Y tu número es de Venezuela en que parte de Venezuela vive hermano
27-11-2017 +1 (868) 477-2906: Ladislao will you be able to give me your full name to add to my contacts thanks
27-11-2017 Joseph Habib: Ladislao kertesz, 1955 to 1960.  Editor of the Circular newsletter since 2001. Need help to keep the circular alive by sending me your CV and interesting anecdotes.  Specially on Fr. Cuthbert. Rip. Email address:   thanks
27-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Joe this is the guy you were telling me about the other day?
27-11-2017 Joseph Habib: I sent this text some time now. Just as in school, you all never paid attention.
27-11-2017 +1 (868) 477-2906: Yes man you know even today we loose focus  Is Kertesz his first name
28-11-2017 Ladislao: Kertesz is my surname.
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Joe, at least we were in school...where were you?
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Morning guys 
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: Morning ?!? obviously time to Head back to bed !!!!
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: That was so sad watching that guy limp off in pain with the help of his father. I remember it well.
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: Gentlemen, there is a group that I created some time ago, that Dyal is on as well, that is *STRICTLY ADULT CONTENT*. If any of you are interested you can message either Dyal or myself and we can add you to that group.
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: I think Joe is ah candidate 
28-11-2017 +31 6 11599326: Same here lol
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Ok I add you to one and you add us to the other lol
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: What type of stuff.
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: I sure Garth was now saying he want to join but someone tell him nooooooooo
28-11-2017: Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Join what Rob
28-11-2017 Joseph Habib: Morning gentlemen, I am touched....moved by your consideration to join me, maybe a few others, to an adult site. What are you waiting for. Bring thing nah!
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Okay I now see
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Did Garth
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: And dat too..
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: Ok Joe...done !
28-11-2017: Joseph Habib: Garth you are slow.....special.
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Robert Dyal that video.
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Joe I only slow because I still in bed with wifey...or sorry Joe. I forget, you still hanging with Ms Palma. How she going?
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: You married Garth?
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Imagine
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: You surprise me. In a good way.
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Yuh I am bro. 11 years
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: He catching up lol
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Why?
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: I just pass 28 years
28-11-2017: Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Robbie u so old
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: I'm still 21
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: For the past 30 years
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Ok then if you say  I mean years married bro
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Wow. Congratulations
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Robbie it's 28 years already bro?
Wow man congrats
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Yep on the 16 nov
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Thanks bro
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: Dat sounding like a like sentence !?!.....What crime yuh commit ???....lmao
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Shit I was there for the renewing of your vows
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: Please don’t show Cherrie that question !
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Yuh know dat
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Otherwise Robert you drinking on Saturday at home talking to us on
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 277-4913:  what!  Wait!  Sign me up
28-11-2017 +1 (268) 764-2759: Sign me up
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: All yuh nasty....
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 708-0300: I eh get add yet?!?!?!
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: I have to come to that group so I can pray for you guys...
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: You all need some Jesus up on here!!!
28-11-2017 +1 (268) 764-2759: Pray that we get added
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: Let me get an amen Let's hope so
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: No prays required  just bring ah nice Colombian
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: My brother is a pleasant good afternoon and Saturday is four days away so come On let’s get  be serious about this or let’s scratch it by tomorrow, It would not be fair to our Host
28-11-2017 15:32:22: +1 (868) 745-3434: And if we canceling it I’ll be picking up donations from all of you to pay for my ticket back to Canada lol 
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: What is the food status?  For Saturday
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: Easier to add you all via this process.
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Have no idea this far so far I have pastelles
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Let's hope that everyone doh bring the same thing lol
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 786-0000: Afternoon all..
How many has confirmed?
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: So far have no idea
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: Joe.H Had mention about 15
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Ok that's 15 plus you and me
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: And remember now this is just to meet everybody so we don’t have to do anything big
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: So if somebody could do a little Spanish rice somebody do a macaroni pay somebody do a potato salad and if we have access to the barbecue pit I will bring ribs and fish somebody could probably arrange to chicken already seasoned and ready to barbecue somebody could bring a case of beer Joe could bring three bottles of white oak we just need people to commit to something and we could have a good evening
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: You know we could do it in the lead evening from 5 o’clock so everybody could ride and go home by 10 I think it be a nice time too we could bring a spouse unless the Venezuelans coming
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Agreed ah bottle of rum some chaser and some beers
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Remember this is at my home so it would not be fair to me as de wife home so I cannot part take of that kind of entertainment lol
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: “Could bring a spouse” wonder which one a go bring ?!?....
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: So no Venezuelans only spouses with proof of marriage or intentions
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: When we have the next lime itbgobbe by ah bar so bring them then lol
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Allyuh have a drink for me please.
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: Will do 
28-11-2017 +44 7853 384622: Ah vex yuh see me here
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 761-8273: Just escaped from cell block about 2hrs ago
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 761-8273: Cell block arima
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 761-8273: Hamilton small aka musa
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 766-6566: boi she could ah take ah boat to veni
28-11-2017 Mt Garth Mc Alpin: Peter... serious?  He so ugly they let he go
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 386-2555: Hi guys, i will do some boiled channa or curried corn.
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: Let everybody contribute a $50 and we are by finger foods  Best solution
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 745-3434: Mistertriniman Great ideaProblem is how we going to get the $50 from everybody we still trying to get a proper headcount
28-11-2017 Garth Mc Alpin: We estimate 15 to 20 persons are going to come so between. Let's say 20 persons come thousand dollars that's more than enough to buy  foods and if it is we end up with less it would still be enough to buy food. And if you can't afford $50 stay the fuck home
28-11-2017 +1 (868) 683-0945: ROFLMAO


EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to subscribe for a whole year and be in the circular’s mailing list or if you would like to mention any old boy that you would like to include, write to me.



17NT0008NTR, Neil Trotman

75LK0010SCOUTS, Unknowns

20LK5126FBLTHFAM, Larry Tomas and family

18LK0322FBDHOWFE, Douglas Houk and wife






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Circular No 1040

  Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. Caracas, 8 of December 2021. No. 1040 ---------...